ESG is a growing trend among companies worldwide. For Ascenty, responsible behavior towards environmental, social and governance issues has been an absolute priority for years.
What is ESG?
The acronym ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance.
In Portuguese: Environmental, Social, and Governance..
Environmental efforts
● Sustainable trash pickup
● Carbon offsetting
● Natural resource preservation
Social efforts
● Ethical operations and production chain
● Share of revenue dedicated to social efforts
Corporate Governance in
practical terms
● Follow standards and regulations
● Accountability and transparency
● Economic and financial control and supervision
Ascenty is a certified
100% carbon-neutral company
The company has just recently achieved “carbon neutral” status based on the GHG Protocol Program for base year 2020. With that, the company completed 100% of the carbon credit offsets of its units in operation, neutralizing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and reaffirming its commitment to a corporate culture aligned with the positive global agenda for combating climate change.
Led by Ascenty’s Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) area, the process of preparing the GHG emissions inventory, with a quantitative and qualitative analysis, took about 4 months and was completed in October 2021.
An achievement by Ascenty: Carbon Neutral in Brazil and Chile
But after all, what is Carbon Neutral?
Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions occur in various situations, such as when energy and fuel is used and when waste is incinerated in landfills. The intensification of global warming is directly related to these emissions.
The adoption of measures to reduce global warming is a commitment that must be adopted by all of society, especially companies.
Ascenty’s actions encompass all scopes, offsetting the carbon emitted internally and by everyone who works with the company.
A company is Carbon Neutral when it eliminates or offsets all carbon emissions, following three scopes:
Clean energy consumption
To ensure clean energy consumption, an input that accounts for almost 85% of Ascenty’s total emissions, the company integrates the iREC system (International REC Standard), certified that attests to the origin of energy from renewable sources.
About 90% of all the campaign’s consumption is clean energy, traded on the free market with incentives. But as in Brazil all the input generated enters the energy grid of the Brazilian system before being redistributed, it is an international requirement for the carbon emission report to be backed by iREC. As such, the traceability of proof of renewable sources is ensured.
Other Carbon Neutral Program incentives
In addition to the iREC system, Ascenty also invests in projects from institutions that support better use of energy, such as the recent acquisition of incentives for the Bandeirantes Sanitary Landfill Gas Management Project.
The goal of this project is to capture and burn the gases generated by Aterro Bandeirantes, in order to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. The captured gas is used to produce electricity.
Zero landfill
All waste produced by Ascenty and its customers is collected by a specialized company and sent for recycling.
Organic waste is used to manufacture fertilizer, methane or cement. All sewage is treated.
Seeking to promote well-being among its community, Ascenty carries out several efforts to improve society:
Incentive to the municipal young apprentice program
Promoting job opportunities and career training for young people
Staple food donations and support for social projects
Such as Instituto Dom Bosco, renowned for its social and educational practices
Donation to Covid-19
field hospital
To purchase equipment to help treat people infected by the virus
Ascenty has a compliance and quality function that implements and ensures adherence to best practices across the company.
A compliance program is adopted based on the best practices set out by the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) of the U.S. Department of Justice.
Ascenty was one of the first companies in Brazil to receive ISO 37001 (Anti-Bribery) certification. It also has ISO 27001 certification, ensuring the main pillars of information security (confidentiality, integrity, and availability).
Certifications that attest to our commitment
Environmental certifications
Governance certifications
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